
Biopuncture Course

As a registered healthcare professional, would you like a profitable, validated, safe and effective USP for your business?

Biopuncture is a safe, effective, customer friendly treatment with built-in repeat business. It treats many common painful conditions both safely and conveniently.

This course teaches the intradermal injection of EU certified low dose ingredients, clinically validated to treat many of the complaints seen in primary care.

Your first patient who receives a full Biopuncture treatment course will generate a profit well over the cost of this course.

Please e-mail your enquiries to:

This course will show you how to treat common painful conditions safely and conveniently in your own treatment rooms.

Fibromyalgia, low back pain, tendinopathies, tension headaches, sore knees and neck pain are common conditions we meet as primary care practitioners.

On-selling is a built -in feature of Biopuncture.

Traumeel is formulated not only as ampoules but also as a cream and tablets which could be offered initially to clients who then could be converted to Biopuncture patients to enhance the clinical effect.

Typical dosage is Traumeel cream applied twice daily externally and one Traumeel tablet taken two or three times a day orally for one to three weeks. Toxicity is not seen other than from (rare) allergy to the low dose ingredients.

Biopuncture: how is it done?

Biopuncture ampoules (Traumeel and Zeel) are injected via standard insulin syringe needles into well known acupuncture sites. This raises four to five mm intradermal blebs which are similar to a mosquito bite in size and appearance (but without the itching). 

This is typically performed weekly till relief occurs and the balance of the eight sessions over increasing time intervals.

Indications and contraindications

      Contraindications to Biopuncture:

Red Flags for common conditions:

As you can see, these red flags mostly deal with possible underlying undiagnosed conditions rather than concerns with Biopuncture itself.

  • Needle phobia
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients in the injection solutions.
  • Localised infection eg an abscess at the site to be injected. NB: other body sites may be safely injected at that time.
  • Fever or systemic upset associated with the presenting symptom eg thoraco-lumbar pain with fever: ? UTI
  • Undiagnosed conditions lasting over three months. Referral for medical attention is prudent.
  • Injury where fracture may be present.
  • Undiagnosed shortness of breath
  • Where NICE Guideline specifically might preclude the use of Biopuncture.
  • Where commonsense indicates a more mainstream treatment eg DMARs in inflammatory arthritis, the likelihood of serious underlying pathology eg head and neck pain in the elderly where Polymyalgia Rheumatica is at least possible.


Clinical Indications for Biopuncture (as dealt with in this course)

Symptoms of pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system where no mainstream modality is more appropriate.

  • Patient preference, after making an informed choice
  • When mainstream options are likely to be hazardous
  • Typical indications including low back pain without symptoms referable to the urinary tract, tension headache, neck pain without signs of nerve impingement.
  • Mechanical knee pain
  • Fibromyalgia (as part of an overall treatment approach)